Album: The Beatles (aka The White Album)
Year: 1968
Written by: Lennon & McCartney
This beautiful song was one of many that The Beatles wrote around the time they visited Rishikesh, India to study Transcendental Meditation (TM) with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in early 1968. After listening to the Maharishi give a lecture about nature and after learning the finger-picking guitar style from fellow musician and TM student Donovan, Paul went home and wrote most of this lovely song (John helped him with some lyrics). The video above, which was made by a Beatles fan, features photos of the band's time in India.
Paul is the only Beatle who appears on the song, playing acoustic guitar, timpani, and bass drum, and also singing a double-tracked vocal. Producer George Martin arranged the two trumpets and trombones. Mother Nature's Son seems a simple song, but it is profoundly beautiful... which is why it is one of my Top Ten Favorite Beatles Songs.